Interested in Retail ?
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Fulfillment centre
The client is a multinational group of Swedish companies headquartered, that designs and sells ready-to-assemble furniture, kitchen appliances and home accessories, among other useful goods and occasionally home services
We are working with this client since 2010.
E-commerce service started in 2017: Truck operations began in February 2017 and after the good performance we were also assigned the Parcel part in September 2018
We started the activity with 5,244 customer references and today we have 12,100, divided into two flows TRUCK (large volume) and PARCEL (parcel).
The distribution started only for Spain and right now we serve throughout Spain and Portugal.
Due to the Covid crisis and the increase in online sales, we have multiplied our CDC volume by 5.
Initially, 24,400m2 of the warehouse were used for this activity. Today they are practically double, 44,600m2 of warehouse destined to the e-commerce line
Implementation of 10 automatic packing lines plus 11 manuals
Integration in 2017 with 22 LSCs and they have increased to 31 LSCs currently + 3 parcel distributors
The activity began with rotating shifts: morning (06: 00-14: 00) and afternoon (14: 00-22: 00) Mon-Fri and due to the increase in activity we went to work on a 5th shift of 24×7
Agility to handle business demands :
Expansion of new distribution channels
24h Lead time for all flows
Cut-off time 8 a.m. for shipments the same day at 3 p.m.
New hires
OL a week
Orders daily
SKU /Order
SKU /Order
Want to find out how FM Logistic can help you meet the challenges of retail? Contact us and we will find the right solutions for you!
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